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Project Supervisor: Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Sevgi Usta
Duration: 22-26 July 2024
Application Deadline: 20 May 2024

Topic: Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child

The title of the Project: Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child

United Nations and Child Rights: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which was prepared in ten years with the initiative of Poland and consists of 54 articles, is an international convention that entered into force in 1989.

It has been signed by all countries of the world and entered into force in all countries except the USA. Countries that have signed the Convention have promised to protect children's rights, with the authority to make reservations to some of its articles related to their domestic law or culture. Our country signed the convention in 1989 and put it into force in 1995 with some reservations

The Convention describes the social, economic and cultural rights of children and the responsibilities/duties of governments in relation to childhood, all of which are interrelated and integrated. The Convention binds all institutions, organisations and individuals working with or for children to the principles of the protection of the child's right to life, survival and development, the best interests and priority of the child, participation and non-discrimination, and they are obliged to realise children's rights in relation to these principles.

The Committee on the Rights of the Child has been established within the United Nations to examine the progress made by each State in fulfilling its obligations under the present Convention. Each State shall submit to the Committee, at the intervals specified in the Convention, measures taken to give effect to the rights recognised in the Convention and reports on the progress made in the enjoyment of those rights. Another authority granted to the Committee under the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Procedure of Referrals is to receive and finalise the applications of children alleging that one of the rights under the Convention has been violated. In 2018, Turkey became a party to this Protocol.

The internship will start with general and theoretical information about the Convention and therefore the theories of children's rights in the international sense and the history of children's rights, the rights and principles it contains and the relevant Protocols, the introduction of the Committee, the development of children's rights in Turkey in interaction with the CRC and internationals, the reflection of children's rights on judicial decisions, and will continue with the reports on children's rights of the countries selected by the students, as well as Turkey's reports, and the decisions of children's applications to the Committee.

During the internship, a practical work will also be completed. With regard to the State's duty to undertake to ensure that the principles and provisions of the Convention are widely known by children as well as adults through appropriate and effective means, it is planned to carry out a dissemination, especially visual promotion work for the right between 1-3 to be selected by the students.

Our applications are closed. Thank you for your intense interest.