About Biomechatronics Laboratory
Located at the Ozu-X , Ozyegin University, Istanbul, the Biomechatronics Laboratory aims to enhance the quality of life of humans that experience physical difficulties in general. To this end, the particular research philosophy we follow is the synthesis of feasible human-robot symbiosis so as to physically assist humans in a safe and dependable manner. With this motivation in mind, our research activities involve in mechatronic hardware design and manufacturing, mathematical modeling, biomechanically feasible sensor-actuator interface design, system identification, real-time controller synthesis, motion planning, simulation and experiment studies and data analysis.
Research Topics
Lower body exoskeleton development for complete paraplegia support (with no crutches)
Physical human-robot collaboration for impedance-critical tasks Human-to-robot skill transfer for optimal force/position trade-off management
Push recovery and online stabilization for legged systems
Simulating pathological gaits to extract patient-specific walking trajectories
Low-impedance actuator development with a high power-to-weight ratio
News from Biomechatronics Laboratory
Date: July 9 - August 3, 2019
Number of Student: 8
Duration of Project: 4 weeks
Project Supervisor: Dr.Barkan Uğurlu
Human-centered robotics, a branch of pHRI (physical Human-Robot Interaction), is considered to be a quite challenging work domain. In order to ensure that the robots could leave the well-controlled laboratory environment and be human companions, they should fulfill various design and control requirements. In this summer internship, the students will actively participate in research activities that play key roles in addressing these requirements. The application domain includes the following:
- Intelligent sensor interfaces for our self-balancing exoskeleton built in-house at the laboratory
- Mechanical design of a sensorized foot our self-balancing exoskeleton
- Implementing machine learning techniques using a 7-DoF Panda manipulator
- Developing mechanical interfaces for pHRI applications: Drilling, polishing, hammering
- Pneumatic circuit design for a manipulator with artificial muscles
- Upper limb exoskeleton development