About Construction Materials Laboratory
Construction Materials laboratory aims to perform cutting-edge research on cement-based materials, transferring technology and knowledge. This laboratory welcomes global and local researchers and companies for further development of game changing construction materials.CMRG performs key research and development on material science of concrete including innovative advanced concrete technologies with sustainable solutions. Primarily, this lab proposes high-end research studies in development of bio-based building materials and their use in the field.
Currently, Dr. Bundur is the primary supervisor of Construction Materials Laboratory at ÖzÜ. Her research mainly focuses on the material science of concrete, additive manufacturing, self-healing cement-based materials, alternative cementitious materials, geopolymers, and bio-based admixtures.

Date: 15 July-09 August 2019
Number of Students: 2
Duration of Project : 4 weeks
Project Supervisor : Zeynep Başaran Bundur
Early age cracking can significantly decrease the service life of concrete structures. These cracks can provide pathways for harmful chemicals to ingress; thus, create durability problems and can lead to loss of structural integrity. Recent research in the field, proposed that it might be possible to develop a smart, cement-based material that can self-heal micro cracks. Use of biomineralization is a novel technique to provide self-healing in cement-based materials. Biomineralization is a biochemical process in which microorganisms stimulate the formation of minerals. The main purpose of this summer project is to repair the cracks on the surface of mortars via biomineralization using bacterial cells. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a simpler, economically feasible and sustainable protection system to improve the robustness of the bacterial cells against the restrictive environment.Within the scope of this project the students will gain experience in both microbiology, chemists and building materials, as well.